Envisioning Justice: An Exhibition curated by Alexandria Eregbu and Danny Orendorff together with Illinois Humanities. The culmination of two years of the Envisioning Justice Initiative, this dynamic and multi-faceted exhibition shares the work of Chicago artists and communities as they visualize, actualize, and reimagine strategies, policies, and approaches in service of a society that is just for all.
I am honored to be one of the 7 commissioned artists from the #EnvisioningJustice exhibition who worked with people in 7 communities across Chicago, including Cook County Jail and the Juvenile Temporary Detention center, to create work that confronted the question: "What do we mean we ask for and envision justice?" I partnered with the incredible Circles&Ciphers, based in Rogers Park. Circles&Ciphers is a hip-hop infused restorative justice organization led by and for young people impacted by violence. Our collaboration resulted in the production of Present Tense, a 3-channel video installation presented at the Envisioning Justice exhibition. https://vimeo.com/354117248
Additionally, the exhibition features artwork, ephemera, and documentation from seven Chicago communities impacted by incarceration and works by artists whose practices respond to such themes, this exhibition interrogates the failures of our criminal justice system while presenting plans toward self-empowerment and communal liberation.
Opening: Saturday, August 17, 2019, 2:00–5:00 p.m. Sullivan Galleries, School of the Art Institute of Chicago 33 South State Street, 7th Floor
Gallery hours:
Monday - Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. August 6 - October 12, 2019
For more on the show and my work with Circles&Ciphers read this article in the Chicago Sun Times: https://chicago.suntimes.com/entertainment-and-culture/2019/8/1/20748751/chicago-art-institute-criminal-justice-exhibit-illinois-humanities fbclid=IwAR0y0HQcCr__jySHgiLKyqROPem4-W6yyY0EkNZ_-cw2LLEyVjY94JuoTPU
Present Tense: https://vimeo.com/354117248
Circles&Ciphers: http://www.circlesandciphers.org/
Envisioning Justice Initiative: www.envisioningjustice.org